Deerfield Township Service Department - Parks & Recreation
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Kingswood: Pathway Completion & Crosswalk

Kingswood Crosswalk
The Township is undertaking a project to install a crosswalk on Innovation Way and complete disconnected pathways leading toward the new crosswalk.

What is the project timeline?
  • The pathway connections are complete.
  • This project is expected to be completed during July 2020.

Where exactly will this project take place?
  • The crosswalk is located on Innovation Way to allow access between the southern and northern sides of Kingswood. (It is located closer to the Duke Blvd round-a-bout side.)
  • The pathway completions are located on both the northern and southern sides. Asphalt pathway has been added leading from the crosswalk to existing pathways.

What is the benefit of this project to the community?
  • Provides an additional safe crossing option to gain access between the two sections of Kingswood that are divided by Innovation Way.
  • Completes pathways that were incomplete.
  • Enhances accessibility to the park for the community.
  • The new pathways and crosswalk will be leveraged for the Pollinator Pathway & Prairie Garden Project.

Project Status
  • This project was completed in July 2020.